Write Great Copy – Get More Leads from Your Email Marketing
The Snapshot
- Your Subject Line is the Headline; take time to get it right
- Use your brand either in the Subject Heading or the “From” Email
- Keep the text within the email short and precise
- Create an email marketing schedule
- Develop calls to actions in your email content
For some companies email marketing is an ad-hoc occasional affair that’s delegated to the marketing assistant or office administrator, who is left to their own devices to implement the email campaign with little support or direction and minimal resources. For others, email is a central sales channel that is a primary part of their marketing activity and it offers an excellent Return on Investment compared with other advertising media.
If your business falls into the former category, maybe it’s time to re-assess what you could achieve with an effective email marketing programme and consider investing in email activity to create a key sales tool within the business.
One aspect of email marketing that requires investment but is often neglected is the whole spectrum of content creation and copywriting. Even where companies spend time and money building their customer email lists, many don’t put enough resources into developing compelling copy for their online marketing. By allocating more time to copy, businesses can help to increase response rates and to drive enquiries. So what’s good practice in terms writing engaging copy that converts?
Subject Line & Your Brand
We all know that lots of marketing emails don’t get opened – even when the sender has gone to extensive lengths to build an opt-in database over time. But when you think about it, the decision to open an email or not is almost instant and it’s typically based on two elements – the subject heading and who the email came from. Get these right and your email will be opened. Here’s how;
- If you brand is known to the recipient and it should be as they have opted-in, then make sure to use it either in the Subject Heading or in the “From” email address – this will distinguish your message from all that spam.
- Provoke an emotional response with your subject line. This will immediately gain your customer’s attention and increase the click through rate of your email. Make people laugh or make them stop and think, ask a question e.g “Was your accountant worth his/her fees this year?”
- Be persuasive! Use language that will entice customers into reading your full email. E.g. “Find out if your company qualifies for E.I. funding for marketing”
- Avoid words that will send your email to your customers spam folder. Eg. Free, Help, Reminder, Discount.
Engaging Body Text
The body text for your email should be tailored to your target market and marketing goals. It should be:
- The body text for your email should be tailored to your target market and marketing goals. It should be:
- Short and straight to the point. There is no room for long winded paragraphs in an email.
- Text formatting should be easy to read. Break text up with bullet points and headings.
- Offer a “text only” view for customers.
- Include images that are highly visual and relevant to your email content.
- Include a call to action within the email; put it at the top of the email, not just at the end
Call to Action
Placing a Call To Action (CTA) within the content of emails is vital. The key thing is to get your subscribers to follow a suggested course of action. This might be just to get them to follow a link back to your website, or to give you a ring or to buy a product or service.
Create a Schedule
Be consistent, work out how often your clients want to receive emails from your company and stick to a scheduled send. For B2B marketing once a quarter or once a month might work, for consumer marketing once a month or once a week even may be acceptable.
One of the biggest mistakes companies make is to bombard their subscribers with emails; this can quickly turn a receptive subscriber into one that will simply mark your emails as spam.
Ezine.ie Can Help
The rich functionality of Ezine.ie can help you create dynamic and engaging emails that will make an impact on your target audience.
As well as offering technical support, see our premium support package., we can even write the emails for you! Another advantage of Ezine.ie is that with our bespoke template builder you can easily and quickly edit your email copy within the template if necessary.
Why not sign up to test the system www.ezine.ie or call to find out more 01 230 3184